RacersProQuip Side cover bolts & Solid Dowels & Magnetic oil drain plugs. Matching RPQ 72mm Head gasket & Side Cover Gasket. To Keep this kit racer friendly.
This Block will accept Most all Honda GX200 Parts suck as flywheel cam Tins/recoil Coil, Carbs intakes & exhaust, accepts Predator Hemi Cam, Most all Clone Parts, We use the ARC 6270 billet Rod, OUR RPQ Aluminum Flywheel, you can use your clone or honda or Gage Head or a hemi head if you wish, most all small parts interchange push rods, lifters, bearings/ gaskets/ seals/bolts ect.. THIS is the Short Block Power KIT , We also offer this kit with lifters, flywheel, billet rod, cast rod, OUR EXCLUSIVE PERFORMANCE HEAD ect.