RacersProQuip 58mm Race Proven Stroker Crankshaft. RPQ BrownBoxCams 320 RPQ Cam shaft & RPQ almost billet lifters. RacersProQuip 72mm Flattop Thin Ring Piston w/Rings and wrist pin. RacersProQuip 2 Low Friction RPQ Bearings and Seals.
Matching RPQ 72mm Head gasket. Side cover kit not included. To Keep this kit racer friendly.This Block will accept Most all Honda GX200 Parts such as side cover flywheel cam Tins/recoil Coil, Carbs intakes & exhaust, accepts Predator Hemi Cam, Most all Clone Parts, We use OUR RPQ Aluminum Flywheel, you can use your clone or honda or Gage Head or a hemi head if you wish, most all small parts interchange push rods, lifters, bearings/ gaskets/ seals/bolts ect.. THIS is the Short Block Power KIT , We also offer this kit with lifters, flywheel, billet rod, cast rod, OUR EXCLUSIVE PERFORMANCE HEAD ect.